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results on our special Gutter Camera
1 month
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Make Gutter Cleaning a Vital Element in Your Property Maintenance Routine

Why Having Trapped Rainwater in Your Gutters is Really, Really Bad

Pros and Cons of Copper Gutters

Living Off the Grid of Public Water Supply

How to Protect Your Roof and Gutters from Storm Damage

3 Clues Your Roof Needs Replacement

All You Need to Know About Gutter Repair

Solar Panels For Your Home

A Roof Garden Can Prevent Flooding

A London Milestone

See the final
results on our special
Gutter Camera
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all cleaned gutters
gutter vacuum
cleaning system


Make Gutter Cleaning a Vital Element in Your Property Maintenance Routine

Property MaintenanceWhen it comes to a property’s guttering system it gets very little attention until a problem occurs. Water dripping down exterior walls is a sure sign that your gutter cleaning is long overdue.

To understand how important clean gutters are let’s first explain the reason your property has them. Gutters carry rainwater away from the building and minimise the likelihood of it seeping into the structure causing damage and leading to mould.

Unfortunately, this protection can quickly become blocked with general detritus, dirt, grime and leaves. When this happens the guttering is no longer effective and the resulting damage can be very costly to repair.

Prevention is easy as all it requires is regular professional cleaning of your gutters. Twice a year is adequate and the best time is at the beginning of spring and just before or just after autumn. When you need help with gutter cleaning in London and the rest of the UK has plenty of experts you can call on and it won’t cost an arm and a leg. Now that you understand the role they play let’s take a look at some of the damage that can occur if you don’t keep your gutters clean. Read the rest of this entry »

Why Having Trapped Rainwater in Your Gutters is Really, Really Bad

Overflowing guttersWe regularly talk about the importance of a proper gutter maintenance and how we should regularly clean and check our gutters for damages. But today we would like to talk about why it is so necessary to keep en eye for signs of blocked gutters and downspouts, be clog-free and fully functional. Read the rest of this entry »

Pros and Cons of Copper Gutters

Copper GuttersAs a home-owner, you know that there are different types of gutter systems available nowadays. They are made of different materials. This means that you can choose one according to your budget and requirements. As gutters are an integral part of the drainage system in your home, you need to make sure that you choose the right one. Like other features of your home’s exterior, they are prone to wear and tear and therefore selecting the right material is essential. Read the rest of this entry »

Living Off the Grid of Public Water Supply

Drinking WaterOr How to Harvest Water With Our Roof and Save From the Bills

Only two things are certain in this life – death and taxes. And while we can escape neither, there are quite many ways we can lessen the burden of both. Since this is no medical blog, we will be talking about what can you do to lower your household bills and simultaneously be a better earthling. How, you may ask? By turning your roof into a factory for unlimited renewable resources of course. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Protect Your Roof and Gutters from Storm Damage

Storm DamageEngland is no stranger to extreme weather. Storms can strike during all four seasons and any good home owner should know how to protect his property against storm damage. You can’t secure entirely your home against mother nature, but there are ways to prevent or at least minimize the damage. Read the rest of this entry »

3 Clues Your Roof Needs Replacement

Roof ReplacementSooner or later comes a time in every home owner’s life to replace his home’s roof. It is a most dreadful, money-gulping and painful process that one tries to avoid as much as he can. But in the end time takes it’s toll and it’s simply something you have to do. That’s why to even start to think of replacing your roof with a new one, you must be completely sure the current one is wasted. A specialist’s opinion is always needed, but there are some hints that even an untrained eye could notice. Even if you are not an expert carpenter, it is a good idea to visually check your roof every once in a while for the following three signs: Read the rest of this entry »

All You Need to Know About Gutter Repair

Gutter Repair TechnicianLike everything in our universe, gutter systems are not eternal. They tend to ware off, break and more than frequently clog. Cleaning and taking good maintenance is simply not enough sometimes. But instead of buying and installing brand new gutter installation and throwing away your Christmas savings why not just repair them? Making efforts into fixing something old and faulty may seem useless, but you still do it with your Ford, so why not with your gutters. And the best part – you don’t even have to do it yourself! Read the rest of this entry »

Solar Panels For Your Home

Solar Energy

Solar Panels – a risk free investment

“Wait, are you talking about solar energy? We live in England, not Morocco.” Well that may be true, but solar panels generate energy from daylight, not sunshine. Not so effectively of course, but still they do even in cloudy days. So, if you don’t have a Hanging Garden on your roof, why not consider installing solar panels? Read the rest of this entry »

A Roof Garden Can Prevent Flooding

Scyscraper GardenBefore we begin, let’s clarify something. There is really little to nothing that you can do to prevent your property from severe rains and disastrous floods. You can only prepare so much and be ready for a quick recovery. But frequent smaller rains are quite manageable and having a garden on your roof is one of the things that might easily help.
Read the rest of this entry »

A London Milestone

London Reaches New Population Peak For the First Time in 75 Years

LondonAccording to the forecasts of the Greater London Authority (GLA) this week London’s population will finally caught up with it’s 1939 peak levels. This is an extraordinary milestone not only because it took 75 years, but because no other city has managed to compensate the loss of two and a quarter million people. Read the rest of this entry »